Problemas de Embrague

Embrague: Dispositivo mecánico de fricción que acopla o desacopla el motor y la caja de transmisión entre sí.
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Check engine

Mini Clubman 2004 Mini cooper 107000 kms
My car is a 2004 Cooper mini with turbo, the fault that tuve fuel the clutch was changed, only that the check engine light was turned on and I told the mechanic he put it in the code scanner and said that the code was for the map sensor, which will take another day to review it, I could use it so there was no problem just being very fast the car I used it little because now it started to get a lot of smoke from the engine and I do not know if the fan system is working or what would be the problem
Elmer monrroigh de Estados Unidos hace 6 años  

Check engine

Mini Clubman 2004 Mini cooper 107000 kms
My car is a 2004 Cooper mini with turbo, the fault that tuve fuel the clutch was changed, only that the check engine light was turned on and I told the mechanic he put it in the code scanner and said that the code was for the map sensor, which will take another day to review it, I could use it so there was no problem just being very fast the car I used it little because now it started to get a lot of smoke from the engine and I do not know if the fan system is working or what would be the problem
Elmer monrroigh de Estados Unidos hace 6 años  
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