Ayuda con código de falla!

Mercedes Benz Sprinter 2013 CDI 415 215000 kms
Tengo una Sprinter 415 del año 2013 y recientemente se le realizó un escaneo el cual arrojó la siguiente falla: 9000 control unit ZHE is defective. Alguien me puede orientar al respecto?
Alejandro Martos de Uruguay hace 4 años  
2 casos 
Escaneá y fijate código de falla segun esta lista
List of trouble codes for the auxiliary heater control unit (ZHE)
0000 control unit malfunction
0001 Malfunction of the control unit, internal temperatura sensor
0100 Autonomous heater does not start
0104 Lock work after unsuccessful start
0200 flame break occurs again
0301 Overvoltage
0302 Low Voltaje
0400 Premature Flame Detection
0501 Flame sensor short circuit
0502 Open in flame sensor circuit
0601 Temperatura sensor short circuit
0602 Open in temperatura sensor circuit
0701 metering pump short circuit
0702 Open circuit in metering pump
0801 Fan Motor Short Circuit
0802 Open in fan motor circuit
0803 Incorrect fan motor speed
0901 Glow pin short
0902 Open circuit in the filament pin chain
1000 Overheating autonomous heater
1004 Too many times overheating or excessive control has occurred (blocking work)
1101 Short circuit water pump
1102 Open in water pump circuit
1201 Setpoint Sensor Short Circuit
1202 Open circuit in the setpoint sensor circuit
1301 Overheating sensor has a short circuit. 1302 Overheating sensor has a break. 1303 Overheating sensor out of tolerance / operation range (Detection of excess control)
1401 Connection of a relay to a water pump has a short circuit. 1501 Short circuit on the connection of external components
1601 Relay connection for external fan has short circuit
1620 Relay connection for external fan is open
1701 Fan excitation for switching water circuits has a short circuit. 1702 Fan excitation for switching water circuits has an open circuit.
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